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About Me

20 yr old learning-fanatic from Denmark.

Growing up I spent most of my time playing football and grinding in COD, GTA and FIFA – which is also where I made my first dollar online selling FIFA coins.

I’ve grown from those interests and spend most of my time today learning all I can (see subjects in section below), and immerse myself in personal projects to apply the knowledge I gather along the way.

I spend virtually all my time doing this as I admittedly am not a fan of formal education, but am a firm believer in the quote:

  • “Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.”

This whole site will serve as the archive of my life’s work and give an insight into what I personally find interesting and fill my mind with.

This section is brief as I’d rather let my work speak for itself rather than try to outline and specify my beliefs and values in this section.

My objective isn’t to persuade others into sharing my beliefs, but more so, share my view as I firmly believe we all have something to learn from one another; this work will hopefully provide some value, and serve in some sense as a medium for conversation to spur discussion – like-minded people and those with opposing views alike.

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Last updated: January 20th, 2023

My blog

In my writings you’ll find content ranging from

decluttering of mind for more clarity & creativity      <————>      educational articles as part of my learning processes.

The purpose of my work isn’t to imitate an expert, but hopefully, just serve as a guide as part of your learning journey.


As per Richard Feynman’s infamous method of learning (& retaining the knowledge); teaching is the most effective way to learn.

These posts are written as much to share what I find to be relevant and interesting knowledge, as to be part of my learning process. Thus, I’m no expert in any topic, but do (of course) back up any claims with actual publicly available research from what I deem as credible and representative resources to resolve the question/problem at hand.


  • My investing thesis & analyses
  • Current events with my interpretation
  • Educational articles on:
    • macro
    • crypto
    • economics
    • personal finance
    • market psychology
    • fundamental & technical analysis
    • + more.

Educational articles on all things psychology, socio-biology, and evolutionary biology.

That’ll be:

  • marketing; what to consider in content creation, copywriting, offer crafting, pricing + much more.
  • fascinating dichotomies
  • and a bunch more interesting topics that need to be explored – like:
    • behavioral finance
    • social hierachies
    • herd behaviour
    • cognitive biases

The writings will (obviously) be backed up by research from experts, as I’m just a curious mind who writes as I learn.

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Defined as;

“one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise without the help of a partner.” I.e. a solo entrepreneur.

The current digital age has brought about opportunities unlike anything ever before. 

  • to build an audience; market yourself
  • to build products of scale; 
  • test for product-market fit
  • automate instead of hire; even with no-code tools

Like the technological advancement of the internet demolished the need for all-round middlemen by its connectivity and building opportunities…

… the technological advancement of broad scale ease-of-use tools will demolish the need for a full team to run a SMB.

We’re better equipped than ever before to build without a partner–that is not by ourselves, but without a partner – big difference.

Build in public – WITH others. You still need them, but no longer internally in the business.

Automate for leverage. No-code is the future. 

Become an engineer, as per Naval Ravikant’s brilliant saying:

  • “Engineers are leveraged creatives who generate repeatable solutions to practical problems.                                                  Engineering automation increases leverage, productivity, and the scope of problems that engineers can tackle.                                                                              Until we become Gods, society has unlimited demand for creative engineers.”

Nowadays you have no business if you’re not online.

This primarily includes having a website and branded SoMe channels.

That’s still not quite enough though.

Your competitor is just 1 click away, so if you have shitty content, it’ll be no hurdle for the prospect to just go to your customer.

How do you change that? Simple; Attention.


Simple, but hard.

We live in an era where the most valuable currency is attention. The biggest businesses of today literally is to keep your attention on their respective platforms.

Those big businesses do they nitty-gritty of deciding what content you end up seeing – but that decision isn’t random.

The complexity of the algorithms behind these decision is at the level that they allegedly know better what you want that you do.

Thus, the ins-and-outs of them aren’t publicly available so understanding them comes down to studying what works and what doesn’t on the platforms.

Broadly, this leads to the conclusion that

It’s based on how the content is engaged with – that’s every little metric such as:

  • click-through-rate (CTR)
  • time spent on the post
  • how much of the post was consumed (videos, threads, captions & carousels)
  • retention rate
  • saves / shares / comments
  • profile visits + length of the visit + what did the person do after visiting
  • yes, I mean it when I say EVERY metric.

Our attention-spand is smaller than ever (& the current trend is undoubtedly that coming generations won’t improve on this).

Point is;

Understanding how to produce appealing content, distribute it effectively and optimise accordingly can make or break your success.

This section will touch on exactly that – including:

  • Content marketing
  • How to use the different platforms; primarily focused on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
  • How to create systems and processes for the whole content creation process
  • The new career paths of content creation:
    • Becoming a content creator
    • The polymath / value creator
  • Paid vs. Organic ads (on each platform)
  • Understanding SEO and SEM, both for a website and where it’s useful on SoMe channels
  • Tools to use for all aspects of content creation
  • Where to learn more on content creation & marketing

Why do I find this topic so interesting? Read more here.

Writings on all things philosophy.

The title includes the ‘(neuro)’ because the topic of neurophilosphy is just so enthralling to me that it had to be in there to hopefully pique your interest too.

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  • Random/shower thoughts
  • Lessons from:
    • my own life
    • masterpieces; movies, art, books, music – all art
    • people; admirable good guys, abominable bad guys, and everything in between.
  • Tools, platforms, sites & content on/for:
    • everything I write about
  • This includes:
    • SaaS for various problems
    • Research sites/tools
    • Full Solopreneur Stack
    • Content & people to learn from:
      • writings, video, art, audio; everything.
    • + much more
I love to collaborate and make awesome stuff!
Let’s talk!
Want me to help you turn your SoMe channels into lead-generating machines?
See what I offer here.
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